For ambitious, high-achieving women who want to be there for their family, without having to sacrifice their career (or burn out)

Do you . . .

- Constantly feel stressed, overwhelmed - and guilty for not doing enough (and for not spending enough time with your family)?

- Find that you never have time for self-care?

- Feel that your hard work is not appreciated or valued properly?

- Feel like a lot of the things you do for your family goes unnoticed?

- Find that you put your dreams and ambitions on the back burner because life keeps getting in the way?

If so, keep reading . . .

If you have ever felt like you had to give up on your personal success, if you feel empty,  if you never have the time (or energy) for romance and fun, and you ask yourself "is this all there is?" - I've got great news for you.

Hi! My name is Unni Turrettini

I’m a New York attorney who worked almost a decade in law and finance before becoming a full time author, speaker, and facilitator.

Burnout was a state of being for me – for years! I spent years trying to balance work and family, and I never made it.

Join me in this free masterclass where I will tell you WHY THERE IS HOPE, how you can deal with the most pressing daily challenges, restore your energy, and be successful without sacrificing your family.

Unni on couch


  • The missing key. What no one tells you about why balancing work and family is impossible, and the reason why you exhaust yourself.
  • The 5 most frequent frustrations about balancing work and family I hear from women, and how to deal with them, one by one.
  • How to restore your energy, so you can give from a full cup.


If you are ready stop exhausting yourself, to have more energy, and to do more of the things you love, then register now for this FREE 60-minute training. 

When? Tuesday November 9th at 8pm CET (find out what time that is for you HERE)

Secure your spot NOW 

This masterclass is for you if . . .

  • You don't have time for self-care
  • You feel stretched in every direction, and you are over-worked and exhausted
  • You constantly feel guilty for not doing more
  • You want more fun and joy in your life
  • You want less struggle and more ease
  • You'd like to restore your energy
  • You want financial freedom and success

Save Your Spot Now!